Many great TV shows have come and gone. Depending on your taste, maybe you enjoyed Friends, How I Met Your Mother, Charmed, ER, Scandal or even The Vampire Diaries. However, we dare say no TV show has given viewers the experience that Game of Thrones has. The anticipation around this final season was palpable and week in, week out, we see at least one character in the story trend on social media. Why is this show so epic? We can’t tell, really.
One thing we do know is that beyond the twists, turns, intrigue, betrayal, romance and violence, there are real life lessons that are critical for financial success here in the real world. We have summarized our favourite lessons for your reading and learning pleasure. You’re welcome.
- A Lannister always pays his debts
When the Lannisters give their word, take it to the bank. The same way this was critical in forging alliances throughout the series, integrity is fundamental element to building good credit in today’s world. Whether you’re borrowing from friends, family or a formal institution, or you’re asking people to take a chance on you, ensure you have shown yourself trustworthy.
- Winter is coming
We’re sure you must have heard this phrase several times last year and an even more foreboding variation this year. Best believe there will be times of need ahead and you will need something to fall back on. More so, because you don’t know what will happen tomorrow, you must ALWAYS be prepared. Steadily prepare a nest egg for yourself so that when the ‘10 years of summer’ come to an end, you are not left out in the cold.
- Don’t try to keep up with the Lannisters
These Lannisters are like a walking manual. The one thing you should never do is try to keep up with false appearances. The Lannisters’ goldmine had dried up and they were in severe debt, but you would never know mere looking at them carry on. In today’s terms, those flashy Instagram pictures, wild nights out, fabulous vacations and seemingly endless shopping sprees might be facades. Do not allow the fear of missing out bully you into expenses that you cannot afford.
- Always stay involved in your finances
Getting financial advice that you can trust is good. Solely trusting your finances with an advisor; not so good, especially if you have a Baelish on your team. In his cunningness, he continuously manipulated the Lannisters’ financial predicament for his own gain. Unfortunately, people like this do not only exist in movies. If you’re investing with a company, your brokers or wealth managers chances are they are dedicated to making you happy. However, the moment your interests are in cross purposes with the goals of the business, you will become a secondary priority. Ensure you keep tabs regularly; and when you find something amiss, do not hesitate to switch partners.
- Choose you debt and debtors wisely
The fear of the Iron Bank is the beginning of financial responsibility. At one point or the other in our lives, we will owe money. What we need to focus on is how to manage our debt responsibly and not run into trouble. If the first step is to borrow for the right reasons, the second step is to choose the right lender. Choose a lender that understands both your needs and your financial position. Choose a lender that is less inclined to wring you out with interest rates and hidden fees. Choose a lender that will enable you to pay back your debts easily when due. (If you feel like we are describing FINT, you said it, not us.)
Perhaps you’ll watch the next episode hoping to glean some more lessons; or maybe you’ll still be consumed with all the drama and care less about anything else. Either way, you can always count on us to bring you all the tips you’ll ever need to live your best